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Audacious Burglary at Firemen’s Residence Near Police Headquarters

An audacious burglary at the firemen’s residence near the state police headquarters has created a stir. Ritually defying the strict security measures, the thieves broke the door of the residence and stole gold ornaments and cash from the house.
It is known that Apu Das, who works in the fire department, lives in the accommodation allotted to the employees with his family. There are currently 7 families living in this residence of a total of 8 families On Sunday, wife Papiya Das went to her father-in-law’s house with her daughter on the occasion of Basanti Puja On that occasion, Apu Das also used to go home after the duty And using this opportunity, thieves entered their government residence on Monday night By breaking the main door, they entered the house and destroyed the cupboards and other items After that, they broke the cupboard and stole 60,000 taka in cash and 13 pieces of gold ornaments.

On Tuesday morning another worker noticed Apu Das was informed On returning home, he realized the matter and informed the police Everyone is shocked as to how the thieves broke the door of the government residence and organized this theft despite the strict security measures.

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