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Combating HIV in Meghalaya: MLAs Take Mission Mode Approach

The state of Meghalaya has an HIV prevalence rate of 2.14%, which is higher than the national average of 0.90%. This is a cause for concern, and the state government is taking steps to address the issue.

One of the key initiatives is the involvement of MLAs in the fight against HIV. All 60 MLAs in the state have been appointed as members of the Meghalaya Legislators’ Forum on HIV/AIDS. The forum will work to raise awareness about HIV, promote prevention strategies, and advocate for better treatment and care for people living with HIV.

The MLAs will also work to address the stigma and discrimination that often surround HIV. They will encourage people to get tested for HIV, and they will work to ensure that people living with HIV have access to the support and services they need.

The involvement of MLAs is a significant step forward in the fight against HIV in Meghalaya. Their leadership and commitment will be invaluable in raising awareness, promoting prevention, and combating stigma.

Why is HIV prevalence higher in Meghalaya?

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high prevalence of HIV in Meghalaya. These include:

What is being done to curb the disease?

The state government is taking a number of steps to curb the spread of HIV in Meghalaya. These include:

The role of MLAs

The involvement of MLAs in the fight against HIV is a significant step forward. Their leadership and commitment will be invaluable in raising awareness, promoting prevention, and combating stigma.

The MLAs can play a key role in:

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