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Has Bangladesh got a second independence?? IS IT TRUE?

By Snehaashish Pathak

Bangladesh is currently facing a severe political crisis. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has fled the country following mass protests that turned violent, leading to her resignation. The protests, which began in response to a controversial job quota system, escalated into a broader challenge against her 15-year rule. The unrest resulted in hundreds of deaths and significant violence, particularly in Dhaka.

On August 5, 2024, Sheikh Hasina left Bangladesh and landed in India, reportedly under military escort. Her departure occurred amid widespread unrest, with demonstrators storming her official residence and other government buildings. The situation has led to the formation of an interim government by the military, which has promised to investigate the violence and bring stability to the country.

This crisis threatens further instability in Bangladesh, which is already dealing with economic challenges, corruption, and other social issues.

Snehaashish Pathak, Member of the Minorities Commission – Delhi (Minorities Ministry), An Entrepreneur, Social Worker, Philanthropist and a Mentor responsible for coordinating collaborative initiatives between different levels of government, has graciously shared insight into the Bangladesh Political Crisis.

Mr. Pathak’s viewpoint underscores that the situation in Bangladesh has indeed taken a very troubling turn. The initial protests and unrest, which were driven by deep-seated frustrations with government corruption, unemployment, and perceived authoritarianism, have unfortunately spiraled into violence and targeted attacks, including those against Indian nationals and Hindu temples in Bangladesh.

Factors Contributing to the Violence:

  1. Mob Mentality and Breakdown of Order: After the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, law and order in many parts of the country broke down. In such chaotic environments, anger, fear, and misinformation can easily lead to mob violence. Unfortunately, in some cases, this anger was directed towards minority communities, including Indians and Hindus, who were wrongly scapegoated for the country’s problems.
  2. Ethnic and Religious Tensions: While the primary issues driving the protests were political and economic, there are underlying ethnic and religious tensions in Bangladesh that have occasionally erupted into violence. In times of national crisis, these tensions can be exacerbated, leading to attacks on vulnerable communities.
  3. Political Exploitation: There are reports that some political actors may have exploited the situation to incite violence against specific groups to further their own agendas. This has led to targeted attacks on Indian nationals and the destruction of Hindu temples, which is deeply concerning and has been condemned both domestically and internationally.
  4. Misinformation and Propaganda: In the chaos, misinformation has likely played a role in fueling violence. False rumors and inflammatory rhetoric can quickly spread, especially in a situation where the state apparatus is weakened, leading to unjustified attacks on innocent people.

Mr. Pathak thinks the violence against Indian nationals and the destruction of Hindu temples are particularly alarming. These acts of violence are not representative of the entire Bangladeshi population but rather the actions of extremist elements taking advantage of the chaos. These groups may have long-standing grievances or prejudices, which they saw an opportunity to act on in the absence of strong government control.

These attacks have drawn significant concern from the international community, particularly India, which has a close relationship with Bangladesh. The Indian government is likely to seek assurances about the safety of its citizens and may press for stronger action to protect minority communities in Bangladesh.

Mr. Pathak says while the initial protests were a way of raising voices against perceived injustices, the subsequent violence, especially against minority communities, is unacceptable and has been widely condemned. The situation highlights the dangers of letting political crises devolve into lawlessness, where innocent people become victims of hate and extremism.

Efforts are urgently needed to restore order, protect vulnerable communities, and address the root causes of the unrest to prevent further violence and ensure a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

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