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Manik Saha Urges People To Cast Votes In Tripura

Chief Minister Manik Saha asks the people of Tripura to a cast vote in peace. He is appealing to everyone to cast their vote, even the opposition political parties as well. In a media talk, CM Manik Saha spoke about the opposition political parties who break the law and order while casting votes.

CM said, “After deteriorating law and order they put the allegation on us. I want to tell them to stop all such things. We all believe in democracy. The election will come and go but we worshipers of democracy. So maintaining all democratic norms they will also contest the election and will hold rallies and procession as per their problem and police will do their duty.”

He further said that law and order are good. People must follow the rules and take part in casting votes in a peaceful manner without causing any issues.

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