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Mizoram MP and CADC CEM Meet Union Home Secretary on Indo-Bangladesh Border Issues

Rajya Sabha MP K Vanlalvena, along with Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC) Chief Executive Member Rasik Mohan Chakma

Rajya Sabha MP K Vanlalvena, along with Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC) Chief Executive Member Rasik Mohan Chakma, recently met Union Home Secretary Dr. Rajendra Kumar in New Delhi. The meeting focused on several pressing issues concerning the Indo-Bangladesh border, including road construction and development projects for residents living in border areas.

Vanlalvena and Chakma raised concerns about the neglected road construction projects along the Indo-Bangladesh border. They emphasized that the lack of infrastructure hampers connectivity and affects the daily lives of people in these remote regions. Improved roadways are crucial for better access to essential services and for boosting economic activity in the border areas.

The discussion also highlighted the need for more comprehensive development projects tailored to the needs of border residents. Both Vanlalvena and Chakma urged the Union Home Secretary to prioritize these initiatives to enhance the quality of life for those living in border communities. They pointed out that many such areas remain underdeveloped due to inadequate attention and resources.

Dr. Rajendra Kumar listened attentively to their concerns and acknowledged the importance of addressing these issues. He assured the delegation that the Union Home Ministry would review the current status of border development projects and the challenges faced in road construction. The meeting underscored the government’s commitment to improving infrastructure and development in border regions.

The discussion also touched on the broader implications of Indo-Bangladesh border management, including security concerns and cross-border trade. Both parties agreed on the necessity of a coordinated approach to resolve these issues effectively.

As the meeting concluded, there was a shared sense of urgency about implementing the proposed solutions. The delegation from Mizoram left with a sense of optimism that their concerns would be addressed and that progress would be made in improving conditions along the Indo-Bangladesh border.

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