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Tripura: Lives on Threat Due to Breakage of Man-Made Lake

The recent incident on Tuesday at Tripura, Behelabari Khowai, district due to heavy rainfall; people of that area had witnessed outrageous destruction of a man-made lake; which has led to immense loss of people’s livelihood including their domestic rearing practice. The ultimate reason behind this build was of practicing fisheries for the local area people as means of economy.

There is also seen an immense loss of houses and animals. People of that village area are seeking immediate aid and question how long the ongoing current scenario will remain not tackled.
In recent days, Tripura is noticing rainfall, people have put on, How long will this be an issue and what will be for people after the incident for those who have faced loss more than expected?

In Tripura, the question arises on infrastructure building capacity for better Tripura as people not only accepting flood but also loss of lives puts up a big question towards Government. Should the State Government look deeper into and take an immediate and effective step or people will be living with such havoc and destruction on repetition.

Here, is the video footage witnessed by people of that particular area.
Source: Anonymous from affected area
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