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Tripura to Launch 4-Month Long Cancer Detection Drive

The National Health Mission’s Tripura State Chapter will launch a special three-month program for detecting and identifying cancer patients across the state.

As part of the special campaign, people suffering from lifestyle problems such as hypertension, blood glucose, etc. would also be tested.

The drive has been named after MuCABELA (Mukhyamantri Cancer O Ashonkramok Bedhi Sanaktakaran O Lokosochetanata Abhiyan) which literally translates to Chief Minister’s Cancer and Non-communicable Disease Detection and Mass Awareness Drive.

The official launch of the event is scheduled to be held on September 30 next.

According to the National Health Mission, there has been an increase in cancer patients enrolled in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Regional Cancer Centre. In 2019, the total number of cancer cases registered in the hospital is 2,563 which dipped to 2,362 in the year 2020 but in 2021 the figure jumped to 2,918.

“A total of 173 patients with breast cancer registered in the hospital last year. The number of Uterine and Mouth cancers stood at 148 and 33. A total number of miscellaneous cases was 2,564”, an official of the department said.

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