The Assam government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, has embarked on a transformative 12-day programme to distribute welfare benefits across the state. This ambitious initiative, launched on a momentous Wednesday, aims to provide financial and moral support to various sections of society by delivering grants, scholarships, and assistance under a multitude of government schemes.
Empowering Beneficiaries Across Assam
On the first day of this outreach programme, welfare benefits were distributed in Guwahati and Jorhat, targeting students and other beneficiaries from the Kamrup Metropolitan, Kamrup, and Jorhat districts. Thousands gathered to receive support under prominent schemes, with a special focus on education and community empowerment.
Among the key distributions:
- Scooters under the Dr. Banikanta Kakati Merit Award, as part of the Pragya Bharti Scheme.
- Cash prizes through the Anundoram Borooah Award.
- Bicycles distributed under the Chief Minister’s Special Scheme.
These initiatives aim to bolster the academic journey of students and recognize their hard work and achievements.
Welfare Initiatives in Numbers
The Assam government has set ambitious targets for this welfare programme:
- Nearly 27,000 Class 10 students scoring above 75% will receive cash incentives.
- Over 48,000 Class 12 students will be provided with scooters to ease transportation and encourage continued education.
- More than 3.2 lakh Class 9 students will receive bicycles to support their commute to school.
- On the opening day alone, 45,000 students were beneficiaries of cash awards and two-wheelers, a testament to the programme’s extensive reach.
Revolutionizing Education in Assam
While launching the initiative, Chief Minister Sarma emphasized the government’s commitment to uplifting the education sector. The programme reflects the state’s broader strategy to improve educational outcomes through infrastructure development, new institutions, and initiatives like Gunotsav—a flagship programme aimed at enhancing the quality of education in Assam.
Addressing students, the Chief Minister urged them to actively contribute to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of a developed India by 2047, underlining their role as future leaders shaping the nation.
Financial Relief for Communities in Assam
The 12-day outreach programme extends beyond education, encompassing financial aid and support for various sections of society:
- Microfinance Loan Waiver Scheme:
- A relief package worth Rs 223 crore to benefit over 78,000 borrowers, offering much-needed respite from financial burdens.
- Disaster Relief and Reconstruction:
- Rs 353.37 crore allocated for 6.86 lakh disaster-affected families, aiding in reconstruction and livelihood restoration.
- Support for Self-Help Groups (SHGs):
- Over 6,490 SHGs to receive Rs 21.9 crore for establishing food processing units, promoting entrepreneurship and self-reliance in communities.
Promoting Equitable Growth
This expansive welfare programme showcases the Assam government’s dedication to fostering equitable growth and providing a safety net for all citizens. By addressing education, disaster relief, and financial empowerment, the initiative aims to ensure that no section of society is left behind.
The Chief Minister highlighted the importance of direct engagement with citizens, stating that the programme is a step toward building a more inclusive and empowered society. Through these efforts, Assam is progressing towards a brighter and more sustainable future, where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive.
The Assam government’s 12-day welfare programme marks a major milestone in the state’s development journey. By reaching thousands of beneficiaries with targeted support under diverse schemes, the initiative embodies the government’s vision of empowering individuals and communities.
From enhancing educational opportunities through bicycles, scooters, and cash incentives to providing financial relief for disaster-affected families and microfinance borrowers, the programme showcases Assam’s commitment to inclusive growth and citizen welfare.
As Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma continues to champion transformative initiatives, this 12-day programme underscores Assam’s evolving narrative of progress and equity. With a clear focus on development, empowerment, and sustainability, the state is well on its way to becoming a model of holistic growth in India.