Controversy Surrounding Rahul Gandhi’s Proposed Event at Guwahati Press Club: Clarification Emerges


A recent controversy has emerged as the Congress party alleges that the Assam government exerted pressure to cancel an event featuring Rahul Gandhi at the Guwahati Press Club (GPC). However, a clarification has now surfaced from the General Secretary of the press club, Sanjoy Ray, denying any such pressure from the government.

In a Facebook post addressing the allegations, GPC General Secretary Sanjoy Ray stated, “There are reports that the government exerted pressure on GPC to cancel it. I don’t think such allegations are based on facts. I haven’t received any calls from anyone from the government in this regard. As of now, no event involving RG is scheduled at Gauhati Press Club.”

Ray went on to shed light on the initiation of the move to invite Rahul Gandhi as a guest at the event titled ‘Guest of the Month.’ According to Ray, GPC President Sushmita Goswami initiated the invitation after speaking with the Congress party at a dinner event. However, he mentioned that there was no prior discussion regarding extending the invite.

“I stated that RG must follow our format like any other Guest of the Month, and he can’t simply enter the GPC premises as part of the Yatra, which is, of course, politically driven,” Ray emphasized. This indicates an insistence on maintaining the established format of the event and ensuring that if Rahul Gandhi attends, it should be in line with the standard procedures for ‘Guest of the Month.’

Ray’s clarification aims to dispel the notion that the government influenced the decision to cancel the proposed event. It underscores the importance of following the GPC’s event format, irrespective of the political affiliations of the guest.

As the controversy unfolds, the spotlight remains on the dynamics between political figures and the venues hosting their events. The clarification from the GPC General Secretary adds a new dimension to the narrative, emphasizing the club’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of its events and procedures.



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