Meghalaya Roster system issue: Ampareen Lyngdoh visits VPP chief Ardent Basaiawmoit, urges him to end hunger strike


Shillong, Meghalaya – In a significant development today, Meghalaya’s Health Minister, Ampareen Lyngdoh, paid a visit to the President of the Voice of the People Party (VPP), Ardent Basaiawmoit, urging him to bring an end to his ongoing hunger strike, which has entered an indefinite phase.

Expressing concerns over Basaiawmoit’s deteriorating health condition, Minister Lyngdoh appealed to him to consider alternative means of protest to highlight the issues at hand. The hunger strike, initiated by Basaiawmoit, aims to draw attention to the longstanding grievances regarding the Meghalaya Roster system.

The Meghalaya Roster system has been a subject of contention and debate in recent times, with various groups and individuals expressing their dissatisfaction with its implementation. The system, which governs the allocation of posts in government jobs and educational institutions, has faced criticism for alleged imbalances and biases in its application.

Minister Lyngdoh acknowledged the significance of addressing the concerns raised by Basaiawmoit and emphasized the government’s commitment to resolving the issues surrounding the Meghalaya Roster system. She stressed the need for open dialogue and constructive engagement to find a mutually beneficial solution.

During the meeting, Minister Lyngdoh assured Basaiawmoit that the government would initiate a comprehensive review of the roster system to address any existing anomalies. She also highlighted the importance of considering the perspectives of all stakeholders and ensuring transparency in the decision-making process.

While recognizing Basaiawmoit’s commitment to his cause, Minister Lyngdoh emphasized the potential health risks associated with prolonged hunger strikes. She urged him to consider alternative methods of protest, such as peaceful demonstrations, meetings, and discussions, to continue advocating for the necessary reforms.

As the dialogue between the health minister and the VPP chief concluded, Basaiawmoit expressed his willingness to consider the minister’s appeal and reassess the approach to his protest. The VPP leader expressed hope for a constructive outcome that addresses the concerns raised by his party and other stakeholders.

The developments surrounding the Meghalaya Roster system and the hunger strike initiated by Ardent Basaiawmoit continue to attract attention and highlight the pressing need for reform. As both sides engage in discussions, the focus remains on finding a just and inclusive solution that ensures fair opportunities for all individuals in Meghalaya.



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