North East Government in a Rush to Carry Out PMAY-G


The North East government is in rush to complete the PMAY-Gramin deadline. The date for its completion was the year 2022 but it is not done yet. So the new target time for completing the (Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yoajana-Gramin) PMAY-Gramin is March 2024. Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, the Union Minister of State for rural development, is at present looking into this project. About 50 to 80% of the houses are still pending to complete as compared to other state projects. The deadline was up to the year 2022 to fully complete the houses in rural areas of North East. But is now extended till March 2024.

The PMAY-Gramin project is set to furnish all the houses in rural areas of the North East. It aims at providing good stable houses in rural areas. This also aims at making a safe clean cooking space in rural areas. Tripura has already done a great job by completing some of its projects. Talking about other states of the North East like Meghalaya and Manipur, it has completed its task. The project has done a great job by completing about 65,155 homes in Meghalaya and about 35,454 homes in Manipur. While Assam beats up all the states by completing the highest number of houses. Assam has completed about 7 lakhs plus houses.

Read further about PMAY-G here :
