Sikkim MP Indra Hang Subba Urges Upgrade of NH10 to All-Weather Road

Sikkim MP Indra Hang Subba

Sikkim MP Indra Hang Subba has made a strong appeal to the central government to upgrade National Highway 10 to an all-weather road. The call comes as Subba underscores the highway’s critical role in national security and regional connectivity.

National Highway 10 is the sole route connecting Sikkim to the rest of India, running from the state’s capital, Gangtok, to Siliguri in West Bengal. This highway serves as a vital lifeline for the region, facilitating not only the movement of goods and people but also ensuring strategic access to sensitive border areas. Subba’s push for an upgrade reflects a growing concern over the highway’s current condition and its impact on the state’s economy and security.

Currently, NH10 faces significant challenges during adverse weather conditions. Landslides, heavy rains, and snow often render sections of the highway impassable. These issues not only disrupt transportation but also pose risks to residents and travelers. Subba argues that transforming NH10 into an all-weather road would greatly enhance safety and reliability, crucial factors for the state’s development and defense.

In his appeal, Subba highlighted the strategic importance of NH10. The highway is not only essential for local trade but also plays a key role in military logistics and national security. An all-weather road would ensure uninterrupted access to border areas, which is vital given Sikkim’s proximity to sensitive regions. The upgrade could also bolster the state’s ability to respond quickly to emergencies, whether they be natural disasters or security threats.

Economic benefits also figure prominently in Subba’s argument. An all-weather NH10 would reduce travel time and costs, facilitating smoother transport of goods and boosting trade opportunities. Improved connectivity could also encourage tourism, which is a significant part of Sikkim’s economy. By making travel easier and more predictable, the upgrade could attract more visitors and stimulate local businesses.

The MP’s call to action has resonated with many residents and local leaders. They have long advocated for better infrastructure, recognizing that road conditions directly affect their daily lives and economic prospects. Supporters argue that the upgrade would be a transformative investment in Sikkim’s future, improving quality of life and enhancing regional development.

Subba’s appeal to the central government also aligns with broader infrastructure goals. National and state governments have increasingly focused on modernizing road networks across India to support economic growth and security. The upgrade of NH10 would be a significant step in this direction, demonstrating a commitment to addressing the specific needs of border states and regions with challenging terrain.

The central government has yet to respond formally to Subba’s request. However, the MP’s advocacy brings much-needed attention to the issue. Stakeholders hope that the appeal will prompt timely action, leading to feasibility studies, planning, and eventual implementation of the upgrade.

As discussions continue, Subba remains optimistic. He believes that with strong support from the central government and local communities, NH10 can be transformed into an all-weather road that meets the demands of both security and development. This upgrade could mark a significant milestone for Sikkim, reinforcing its connectivity, safety, and economic potential.

The push for an all-weather NH10 reflects a crucial need for improved infrastructure in Sikkim. With its strategic importance and economic implications, upgrading the highway could yield substantial benefits for the state and the nation. As the dialogue progresses, all eyes are on the central government to take decisive steps in addressing this vital infrastructure challenge.



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