Abhishek Kumar Tripathi, the esteemed founder of MG Construction, has been awarded the prestigious 'IPBR राष्ट्रीय जन सेवा रत्न' सम्मान by the India Proud...
In a grand celebration, the Indian Ex-Services League (IESL) Lucknow marked the 40th birthday of their esteemed Prabhari for Lucknow (South), Air Veteran Abhishek...
Lucknow, July 8, 2024 - In a gesture that underscores his stature and values, renowned business magnate and philanthropist Abhishek Kumar Tripathi is set...
On July 2, 2024, the serene ghats of Kannauj witnessed a day of devotion, service, and spiritual enrichment as Abhishek Kumar Tripathi, the esteemed...
Abhishek Kumar Tripathi, the esteemed founder of MG Construction, is widely recognized for his remarkable contributions to the construction industry. However, beyond his professional...