A short story of a man in extreme misery and struggles within himself. It is not just a story but a philosophical and poetic piece of ecstasy. It is satisfactory to both the mind and heart. This book will benefit both the young and old because everyone has misery in some part of their lives. This book can bring healing both mentally and spiritually to its readers. A must-read for the people of the 21st Century. This is an opportunity to retrospect and introspect into life and gain some wisdom.

As the author wrote, ‘Being unable to receive and cherish love, he lost the taste of it. He was dead in his senses to caress love. Gradually he turned aberrant and freakish. He was unsafe to people who would sympathize with his misery.’

Enjoy this treat from an author who is also a preacher, pilot, motivational speaker, and philosopher.Contact the author at [email protected] or Instagram
for notification on the next book to be released soon.
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