Angami Students’ Union Protests Grade-IV Appointments in Kohima

Angami Students' Union Protests Grade

Angami Students’ Union (ASU), representing the Angami Nagas, staged a protest outside the Directorate of Health and Family Welfare (DoHFW) in Kohima, Nagaland, on Thursday. The demonstration aimed to highlight their discontent with the recent appointments of non-indigenous individuals from the Kohima district to grade-IV positions within various district offices of the department.

The ASU’s protest underscores a growing concern among the indigenous population regarding the allocation of government positions. Members of the student body expressed dissatisfaction with what they perceive as the overlooking of local candidates in favor of non-local individuals.

According to ASU representatives, the appointments of non-indigenous inhabitants to grade-IV positions infringe upon the rights and opportunities of indigenous people. They argue that such appointments not only deprive deserving local candidates of employment opportunities but also contribute to the marginalization of indigenous communities within the region.

The ASU’s picketing of the DoHFW office signals their determination to address this issue and demand accountability from government authorities. The student body seeks to ensure that the recruitment process is fair, transparent, and prioritizes the interests of indigenous inhabitants.

The protest reflects broader tensions surrounding employment and representation in Nagaland, where concerns over job opportunities for local residents often intersect with issues of identity and belonging. ASU’s actions highlight the importance of inclusive policies that consider the aspirations and concerns of indigenous communities in the state.

Local authorities have yet to respond to the ASU’s demands, but the student body remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for the rights of indigenous Nagas. The protest serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equitable representation and opportunities for local residents in government institutions.

As the ASU continues to assert its stance on the matter, the protest at the DoHFW office underscores the importance of addressing grievances related to employment and representation in the state. The outcome of this demonstration may have implications for future recruitment processes and the broader discourse on indigenous rights and empowerment in Nagaland.



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