In a dramatic turn of events, the aircraft carrying prominent Congress leaders, Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, was forced to make an emergency landing...
Narkel Kunja, nestled within the captivating Dumboor Lake in Tripura, has garnered significant attention as a picturesque island getaway. Often referred to as "Mini...
Dumboor Lake, located in the Gandacherra Sub Division, is a captivating water body situated 120 km away from Agartala, Tripura. Its unique tabour-shaped appearance,...
The picturesque stretch of NH-702 connecting Mon village junction to Yalinfg area in the Mon district has encountered a formidable challenge in the form...
In an alarming incident on Sunday, a passenger train collided with vehicles at an unauthorized railway crossing in Dimapur district, Nagaland. Despite the severity...