Tripura Democratic Front (TDF) president Biswas with 400 – 500 families joins the Trinamool congress on Wednesday. The elections are supposed to be held in 2023.

After joining the TMC Biswas expressed his expectation from TDF by saying “We have seen how the Trinamool congress retained power in West Bengal amid the BJP’s excesses. Likewise, we need to fight here. If we want to fight against the BJP, we need to fight united. We hope the TDF’s advisory committee members will be with us and guide us in the future.”
The TMC general secretary Rajid Banerjee also addressed that “We believe that if anyone desires the restoration of democracy, they will be with us. The Trinamool Congress is the only alternative to the saffron party.”
Sushmita Dev the TMC leader said “Mamata Banerjee’s model of governance. The BJP failed to fulfill its promises during its rule of four and a half years. The model of Mamata-di and the model of Bengal governance need to be implemented here. If we fight united in the Assembly and Lok Sabha polls, we are confident in bringing the change that people want to see.”
The Piyush Kanti Biswas and Tapas Dey after quiting the congress party and replaced the former with Birajit Sinha and the state chief. The TDF was formed on the 7th of last October.
On Wednesday in a press conference, Dey told the reporters to aware the people about the false news of TDF and TMC merging. “A section of our party has left us. The TDF is still 100 percent functional.”
At the start of this year, the TDF announced to the people of TDF and Tripura Autonomous District Council (ADC) of working together and Dey said that they both will be fighting elections in December.