Empowering Equality: Agartala Marks International Day of Disabled with Pledge for Inclusivity


In a heartfelt endeavor to foster inclusivity and advocate for a society marked by dignity and equality, Agartala, along with the global community, observed the International Day of Disabled on Sunday. The city came together to encourage collective efforts in breaking down barriers that hinder the full participation of every individual in community life.

The main program, inaugurated by the Mayor of Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC), Dipak Majumder, unfolded at the Agartala A.D Nagar Higher Secondary School ground. The event, meticulously organized by the Social Welfare and Social Education department, aimed to raise awareness and celebrate the resilience of people with disabilities.

In his address to the gathering, Mayor Dipak Majumder highlighted the concerted efforts of both the Central and State governments in uplifting the socio-economic status of ‘Divyangans’ (persons with disabilities). He emphasized the implementation of a series of schemes tailored to address the unique needs of this community. Among these initiatives are social pension programs, the Deena Dayal Divyangan Rehabilitation scheme, scholarships, Assistance for Divyangans, ADIP Scheme, and dedicated employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

The significance of such programs extends beyond mere policy; they represent a commitment to creating an inclusive society where everyone, regardless of ability, can lead a life of dignity and contribute meaningfully to their communities. These efforts align with the broader global agenda of promoting inclusivity and eradicating discrimination against persons with disabilities.

As Agartala commemorates the International Day of Disabled, it sends a powerful message about the importance of collective responsibility in ensuring that no one is left behind. The day serves as a reminder that diversity is a strength, and creating a world that accommodates everyone requires continuous advocacy, understanding, and action.



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