Exploring the Indigenous Tribes of Tripura: A Glimpse into the Rich Cultural Heritage

Different Tribes of Tripura


Tripura, a northeastern state in India, is home to several indigenous tribes that contribute to the region’s vibrant cultural tapestry. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of Tripura’s tribes, providing an in-depth exploration of each tribe’s history, social structure, cultural practices, and unique contributions to the state’s cultural heritage. Let us embark on a captivating journey to understand the tribes of Tripura and their significant role in shaping the state’s cultural identity.

  1. The Tripuri Tribe: Guardians of Tradition and Rituals

The Tripuri tribe, also known as Tipra or Debbarma, is the largest tribal community in Tripura. They trace their origins back to the Tibeto-Burman ethnic group and have a rich history intertwined with the region. The Tripuri people have a distinct social structure, with lineage-based clans playing a crucial role in their society. They are primarily agrarian, with cultivation of paddy being their main occupation. The Tripuri tribe has a rich tradition of music, dance, and handicrafts, and their festivals like Kharchi Puja and Garia Puja are celebrated with great pomp and splendor.

  1. The Reang Tribe: Maestros of Art and Music

The Reang tribe, also known as the Bru community, primarily inhabits the North Tripura and Dhalai districts. They have a unique social structure, with clans and extended families forming the basis of their society. The Reang people are known for their exceptional artistic skills, especially in music, dance, and crafts. Their traditional musical instrument, the sarinda, is an integral part of their cultural heritage. The Reang tribe celebrates festivals like Bizu and Kherai Puja, which are marked by colorful dances, songs, and traditional rituals.

  1. The Jamatia Tribe: Guardians of Indigenous Knowledge

The Jamatia tribe, indigenous to the Jampui Hills and adjoining areas, has a rich history steeped in tradition. They are primarily engaged in agriculture, practicing both shifting cultivation and terrace farming. The Jamatia people have profound knowledge of traditional ecological practices and sustainable land management techniques. They are also known for their unique healing practices and traditional medicinal knowledge. The tribe celebrates festivals like Garia Puja and Gajan, showcasing their cultural prowess through music, dance, and religious rituals.

  1. The Chakma Tribe: Preservers of Language and Literature

The Chakma tribe, also known as Changma or Tsakma, is one of the largest tribes in Tripura. They have a distinct linguistic heritage, using the Chakma script for their written language. The Chakma people have a complex social structure, and their society is matrilineal, with women playing significant roles in decision-making. The tribe has a rich literary tradition, with a wealth of oral folklore, folk songs, and traditional stories. The Chakma people celebrate festivals like Buddha Purnima and Bizu with great fervor, showcasing their deep-rooted spiritual beliefs and cultural practices.


The indigenous tribes of Tripura contribute significantly to the state’s cultural heritage and diversity. Each tribe possesses a unique set of traditions, customs, and artistic expressions that reflect their rich history and social fabric. By understanding and appreciating the tribes of Tripura, we not only honor their legacy but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of their cultural heritage. Let us celebrate and embrace the vibrant cultural tapestry of Tripura’s tribes, ensuring their traditions continue to thrive for generations to come.



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