Delhi witnessed a historic event as representatives from all 18 states of India, belonging to the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), gathered to meet with the President of India, Smt. Dhrupadi Murmujir, and the Union Tribal Minister, Shri Arjun Mundaji. This momentous occasion marked a significant milestone in the journey of these marginalized communities, who had never before set foot in the nation’s capital.
With a gathering of around 1,500 people, the event provided an opportunity for the PVTGs to visit prominent landmarks such as Parliament Bhavan and Rashtrapati Bhavan. These backward tribes, who have been historically neglected and overlooked, were able to capture memorable moments together, taking photographs as mementos of their first-ever visit to Delhi.
Expressing gratitude on behalf of the PVTGs of Tripura State, the community conveyed heartfelt thanks to His Excellency the President and the Government of India. For these tribes, who have faced socio-economic challenges for decades, this gathering signified a recognition of their existence and an acknowledgment of their unique cultural heritage.
The event was particularly significant as it coincided with India’s 75th year of independence. It served as a reminder of the country’s commitment to inclusivity and the empowerment of all its citizens, irrespective of their social or cultural background.
President Smt. Dhrupadi Murmujir, known for her dedication to the welfare of marginalized communities, emphasized the importance of protecting and promoting the rights of the PVTGs. She acknowledged their contributions to India’s rich diversity and assured them of the government’s support in addressing their concerns and improving their quality of life.
Union Tribal Minister Shri Arjun Mundaji also addressed the gathering, highlighting the government’s initiatives aimed at uplifting PVTGs across the country. He reiterated the government’s commitment to ensuring their socio-economic development, preserving their cultural heritage, and providing them with equal opportunities for growth.
The event concluded with a renewed sense of hope and optimism among the PVTGs. As they departed from Delhi, they carried with them cherished memories, a stronger sense of belonging, and the assurance that their voices had been heard. The government’s proactive engagement with these tribes and the steps taken towards their welfare further underlined the commitment to a more inclusive and equitable India.