Footballer Ayuk Jamatia Banned by AIIF for Four Years in Case of Age Fraud


According to the report published on the AIFF website, Ayuk Jamatia, a player from Friends Union Club in Tripura, has been suspended for four years by the AIFF disciplinary committee for the offences of age fraud, forgery, and falsification. The committee invoked Article 62 of the AIFF Disciplinary Code on the player, which is punishable under the article. The player has also been fined Rs 2,50,000 and directed to appeal the decision under Article 117 of the code if he chooses to do so.

The AIFF Player status and registration department has been directed to cancel the player’s registration in CRS, as it was found that the player had two IDs in the CRS with two different dates of birth, with a difference of almost eight years between the two. The player admitted to submitting two separate birth proofs to register with AIFF.

Despite the committee’s efforts to reach the player directly and through his club, the player remained unavailable.



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