IMD Predicts Extremely Heavy Rains In Assam, Meghalaya Till July 7

IMD predicts extremely heavy rains in Assam


The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a forecast indicating the possibility of heavy rainfall making a comeback in Guwahati and its surrounding regions. Residents of Assam’s largest city are advised to brace themselves for potentially intense downpours, as the weather system is anticipated to persist until July 7. The IMD’s warning raises concerns about the potential impact on the region’s infrastructure, agriculture, and overall daily life.

Anticipated Heavy Rainfall:

According to the IMD’s predictions, Guwahati and the neighboring state of Meghalaya are likely to experience a resurgence of heavy rainfall over the coming days. This weather system could bring about significant precipitation, potentially leading to localized flooding, waterlogging, and related challenges.

Potential Impact on Infrastructure:

The return of heavy rains raises concerns about the resilience of Guwahati’s infrastructure. Roads, bridges, and low-lying areas are particularly vulnerable to inundation, which may result in transportation disruptions and affect the overall mobility of residents. Efforts to minimize the impact on critical infrastructure, such as drainage systems and embankments, will be crucial during this period.

Agricultural Sector and Rural Communities:

The agricultural sector, which is vital to the region’s economy, could also face repercussions from the expected heavy rainfall. Excessive precipitation can adversely impact crops, leading to potential damage and losses for farmers. Additionally, rural communities located in flood-prone areas may experience hardships, including the risk of displacement and limited access to essential services.

Preparedness and Safety Measures:

Given the anticipated weather conditions, authorities are urging residents to take precautionary measures to ensure their safety and minimize the potential impact of heavy rains. It is advised to stay updated with weather forecasts, avoid unnecessary travel during severe weather, and follow any official advisories or evacuation orders issued by local authorities.

Collaborative Efforts:

Government agencies, disaster management teams, and local authorities are working in tandem to mitigate the potential risks associated with heavy rainfall. They are focusing on pre-emptive measures, including ensuring adequate drainage, monitoring vulnerable areas, and coordinating emergency response plans to address any contingencies that may arise.


As Guwahati and Meghalaya brace themselves for the return of heavy rainfall, the IMD’s predictions highlight the need for preparedness and proactive measures. The well-being and safety of residents, the protection of infrastructure, and the support of rural communities remain key priorities in the face of challenging weather conditions. By staying informed, following safety guidelines, and engaging in collaborative efforts, the region can work towards minimizing the impact of heavy rains and ensuring the resilience of affected areas.



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