Incessant Rain Submerged Agartala, Miserable Condition Of The Citizens


Constant rain flooded the capital Agartala again, the capital submerged underwater, causing massive difficulties for the citizens to cross the road on Friday.

As incessant rain continues to batter Tripura and the northeast, several areas in the capital Agartala remained waterlogged. The heavy rains triggered floods in various parts of Tripura and paralyzed parts of the state and also the capital Agartala.

Though the former CM of Tripura Biplab Kumar Deb announced the better drainage system in the city four years back, the situation has not improved over these years. The problem of water lodging remains the same in the capital city Agartala.

The water lodge has not just affected the movement, but also many small businesses. As the rainwater filled up the roads, the poor vendors are unable to sell their vegetables and other commodities for their daily earnings.

The problem of water lodge not just affects the road but also the areas nearby small streams across Agartala. The small streams turned into massive and aggressive rivers, submerging the houses nearby and making lives difficult for the common people.
