Indian Army Organises Football Match in Sikkim Along India-China Border


In a bid to strengthen the bond between the military and local communities, the Trishakti Corps of the Indian Army organized a friendly football match on March 3. The event took place between the border villages of Gnathang and Kupup in East Sikkim, situated at an altitude of 12,600 feet along the Indo-China border.

Promoting Unity and Camaraderie

Part of Operation Sadbhavana, the football match aimed to promote a sense of nationalism, unity, and camaraderie. The initiative showcased the Indian Army’s commitment to fostering goodwill and cooperation in the border areas.

The match witnessed enthusiastic participation from local youth, creating an atmosphere of excitement and mutual respect. The picturesque landscape of East Sikkim added to the unique charm of the event.

Spectators from the villages cheered for their teams, emphasizing the shared spirit of sportsmanship prevailing throughout the match. Local residents appreciated the Indian Army’s efforts to go beyond security measures and organize events that contribute to building positive relationships.

Operation Sadbhavana, with its focus on community development, has played a pivotal role in creating a positive impact on the lives of residents in border villages. These initiatives contribute significantly to building trust and fostering nationalistic sentiments.

The football match concluded with a prize distribution ceremony, acknowledging players for their skills, spirit, fitness, and dedication to the game. Such events not only promote sportsmanship but also create a platform for interaction between the military and civilians.

The Indian Army reaffirmed its commitment to organizing community-driven activities in the future. These initiatives aim to promote harmony and solidarity in the remote areas along the Indo-China border.



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