Janjati Suraksha Manch Demands Removal of ST Status for Converted Persons


The Janjati Suraksha Manch (JSM), an organization that works among tribal people in India, has demanded that the government remove the Scheduled Tribe (ST) status for tribal persons who have converted to other religions. The JSM is also planning to hold a delisting rally on December 25 to protest the government’s decision to grant ST status to converted persons.

Janjati Suraksha Manch protest

The JSM argues that tribal people who have converted to other religions have abandoned their tribal culture and traditions and should no longer be eligible for ST benefits. The JSM also claims that the conversion of tribal people to other religions is a threat to tribal identity and culture.

Scheduled Tribe (ST) Status

ST status is a special constitutional status granted to certain groups of people in India who are considered to be socially and economically disadvantaged. STs are entitled to a number of benefits, including reservations in educational institutions and government jobs.

Conversion of Tribal People to Other Religions

The conversion of tribal people to other religions is a complex and controversial issue in India. Some people believe that tribal people should have the right to convert to any religion they choose. Others believe that conversion is a threat to tribal identity and culture.

JSM’s Delisting Rally

The JSM’s delisting rally is scheduled to be held on December 25 in Agartala, the capital of Tripura. The JSM has said that the rally will be a peaceful protest and that it will be attended by thousands of people.

Opposition to JSM’s Demands

The JSM’s demands have been met with opposition from various quarters. Some people have argued that the JSM’s demands are discriminatory and that they violate the right to freedom of religion. Others have said that the JSM’s demands are based on a misunderstanding of tribal identity and culture.

The Future of ST Status for Converted Persons

The debate over the ST status of converted persons is likely to continue in the years to come. The JSM’s delisting rally is one of the latest developments in this ongoing debate.



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