TET- 2022 qualified candidates place deputation to Director TRBT


Protesting against the delay in the recruitment process by the Tripura Board of Teacher Training (TRBT), TET- 2022 qualified candidates placed a deputation to the Director of TRBT on Monday.

The candidates demanded that the TRBT should immediately publish the recruitment advertisement and start the recruitment process. They also demanded that the TRBT should address their concerns regarding the eligibility criteria and the selection process.

The candidates were disappointed with the delay in the recruitment process and said that it is causing them a lot of hardship. They said that they have been waiting for the recruitment for a long time and that they are now facing financial problems.

The candidates also said that they are disappointed with the TRBT’s lack of communication with them. They said that the TRBT has not been keeping them updated on the progress of the recruitment process and that they have to constantly inquire about it.

The Director of TRBT assured the candidates that their concerns will be addressed and that the recruitment process will be started soon. He also said that the TRBT will publish the recruitment advertisement soon.

The TET- 2022 qualified candidates are hopeful that the TRBT will soon start the recruitment process and that they will be able to get a job soon.



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