Maharaja Pradyot Manikya addressed the conference at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi


On 29th May, Maharaja Pradyot Kishore Manikya addressed the conference on the death anniversary of former Prime Minister of India Chaudhary Charan Singh(served as 5th PM of India from 28th July 1979- 14th January 1980 and also known as Champion of India’s peasant) at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.

Maharaja Pradyot Manikya was foremostly addressed by thanking Jayant Chaudhary(Indian Politician and Member of Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh) for the invitation. He gave an oration in regards to the northeast; how he faced racism as being assumed him from China, Nepal or South Korea, he shared his convictions and perspectives on “unity is strength” and his encouragement message was stated to fight for their own rights and he gave voice to his own language i.e Kokborok(language of Tripura)and special focus was specified on the attire “Rignai’’;

He proclaimed “a country doesn’t solitarily compose of language, food or attire”.His dejected sentence was “Nobody speaks concerning of small scale village community not only NorthEast but Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Rajasthan has been drifted apart from Delhi.” He notably talked about NorthEast people being portrayed as agitator and rable-rouser towards mainland people. He acknowledged and ponder over how remarkable an individual Kishan(farmer) is and their contributions; and wholeheartedly respects Chaudhary Charan Singh(former Prime Minister of India )for his brilliant ideas, and furthermore towards other respected members and feels enormously motivated by them. His words were cherished by everyone present at the conference. He received an honor with a Green Turban symbolizing Jats.
