Manipur Patriotic Party Welcomes Opposition’s Commitment to Peaceful Resolution


The Manipur Patriotic Party (MPP) has expressed satisfaction with the recent announcement made by Congress leader Shri Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, along with 20 MPs from the Opposition alliance I.N.D.I.A., regarding their dedication to finding a peaceful solution to end the longstanding conflict in Manipur. The MPP believes that this sincere commitment, free from political agendas, is an essential step towards effectively resolving the crisis in the region.

The Manipur Patriotic Party has observed attempts by some opposition parties to exploit the recent violence in Manipur by presenting it as an attack on Christian and Tribal Kukis by Hindu and non-tribal Meiteis. However, the MPP emphasizes the importance of recognizing the true origins of the violence that erupted on May 3, 2023. According to the MPP’s analysis, the violence began when Kuki Militants and their supporters targeted Meiteis’ homes, forcibly displacing them in various areas, including Churachandpur, Moreh, Motbung, Ekou, and other places. Their alleged agenda appears to be centered around protecting Poppy Plantations, Opium Production, and facilitating illegal immigration in Kuki-dominated districts.

The Manipur Patriotic Party asserts that the forceful displacement of Meiteis was pre-planned, though it led to an unexpected retaliation from the Meitei community. To establish lasting peace in Manipur, it is vital to acknowledge the harmful intentions of the Kuki Militants and their supporters, which caused suffering across various sections of Manipuri society. The MPP believes that the first step towards peace must be an unconditional apology from those responsible for initiating the violence on May 3, 2023, by attacking and burning down Meitei houses and forcibly displacing thousands of Meiteis from their homes. The party highlights that such actions cannot be overlooked, especially from those who were allowed to stay and settle by the Manipur Maharaja.

In its plea to avoid political maneuvering, the MPP trusts that Shri Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury and his team of Opposition MPs will refrain from demanding the imposition of President’s rule or the resignation of the incumbent Chief Minister. Instead, they advocate leaving such decisions to the members of the Manipur Legislative Assembly.

The MPP acknowledges that sincerity also entails recognizing any contributions of past policies, including those of the Congress party during its tenure at the Centre and state, that might have played a role in contributing to Manipur’s present crisis. The party urges against politicizing selective incidents of crimes against women during the violence. They assert that unfortunate incidents have occurred on both sides, and it is essential to address the root cause of the crisis rather than singling out specific communities.

The party emphasizes that projecting an entire community as perpetrators of crimes against women based on isolated incidents is unfair and can lead to unwarranted stereotyping about other regions in India as well.

Moreover, the MPP believes that the resignation of Chief Ministers for every such incident may not be a practical solution. Such a scenario could lead to frequent changes in leadership in several states across India.

The Manipur Patriotic Party hopes that Shri Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury and his team of Opposition MPs will rise above political considerations and genuinely contribute to bringing peace to the troubled state of Manipur in the most sincere and truthful manner possible. The focus should be on finding a resolution that benefits all the people of Manipur, transcending party politics, and working towards a brighter and harmonious future for the state.



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