Meghalaya’s Digital Revolution: High-Speed Internet for All by 2025


In a significant move towards digital inclusivity, the Meghalaya government is set to revolutionize internet accessibility across the state, ensuring high-speed connectivity in even the remotest corners by 2025.

Leveraging Existing Infrastructure

Under the visionary leadership of Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, the government is capitalizing on the vast network of 600 kilometers of optical ground wire (OPGW) owned by the Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited (MeECL). This innovative approach eliminates the need for additional infrastructure by utilizing existing electrical transmission lines, ensuring a cost-effective and efficient solution.

Successful Trial and Future Phases

The Chief Minister proudly announced the success of a trial conducted in Tura, where a remarkable internet speed of 100mbps was achieved using MeECL’s OPGW infrastructure. Building on this success, Sangma outlined a comprehensive roadmap for the project’s phased implementation.

The first crucial step involves laying optical fiber lines across all blocks by March 2024. This foundational phase sets the groundwork for the subsequent installation of high-speed internet connectivity, projected to be completed by June or July 2025.

Bridging the Digital Divide

Chief Minister Sangma underlined the transformative potential of this initiative, emphasizing that it goes beyond bridging the digital divide. The project aims to empower various sectors, including educational institutions, hospitals, and organizations, by providing reliable and faster internet access.

Impacts on Education, Healthcare, and Beyond

The positive implications of this initiative extend to educational institutions, where enhanced internet services will facilitate seamless online learning experiences. In the healthcare sector, faster connectivity will contribute to improved service delivery and efficiency, ultimately benefiting the citizens of Meghalaya.

Towards a Connected Future

Meghalaya advances towards becoming a digitally connected state, this ambitious project signifies a major stride in leveraging technology for the greater good. The concerted efforts of the government, coupled with the utilization of existing infrastructure, exemplify a strategic and sustainable approach to bring about positive change.



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