Mental Health: Psychiatrist Pushes for Daycare Treatment System

Mental Health

Mental Health Challenges in Manipur

In an effort to address the pressing mental health challenges prevalent in Manipur, Dr. Athokpam Ranita, the State nodal officer of the National Mental Health Programme, National Health Mission Manipur, has emphasized the need for the establishment and promotion of daycare centres for mental health treatment. Speaking at a one-day awareness program titled “Initiation of the Day Care Centre for Severe Mentally Ill Persons,” Dr Ranita highlighted the significance of this approach, especially in regions like Manipur witnessing a high rate of mental health issues.

The Unmet Need for Daycare Mental Health Treatment

Dr Athokpam Ranita, during her participation in the awareness program, pointed out that the concept of daycare mental health treatment is relatively new, not only in Manipur but also in India as a whole. Considering the high burden of mental illness in Manipur, she stressed the urgency of promoting and establishing more daycare centres for mental health treatment.

Daycare: A Vital Middle Ground

Describing daycare as more than an outpatient department but less than a full-fledged hospital, Dr Ranita explained that expanding the availability of daycare treatment for mental health could play a crucial role in reducing the overall prevalence of mental illnesses. The approach offers a middle ground that falls between outpatient care and full hospitalization.

Overcoming Manpower Challenges

Acknowledging the acute shortage of manpower for the implementation of a national mental health program, Dr Ranita highlighted the efforts being made to execute the program across all districts of Manipur. Despite the challenges, the focus remains on providing accessible mental health support to the population.

Impact of Ongoing Conflict

Dr Ranita underscored the significant impact of the ongoing conflict on the mental health of the state’s residents, irrespective of age or gender. She called for collective efforts to extend support, and assistance, and foster a positive environment during this critical period to mitigate the prevalence of mental illness.

“Ray of Hope” Daycare Centre

During the program, Tangjakhombi Yambem, a member of the Centre for Women Development, provided insights into how their upcoming daycare center, to be named “Ray of Hope,” will operate. The event also witnessed the participation of clinical psychologist M Herojit and retired senior specialist Dr. H Ibemcha as presidium members.



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