Mizoram Transport Minister Explores Cross-Border Tourism Potential at Kamalasagar Haat


On Thursday, the Transport Minister of Mizoram, TJ Lalnuntlunga, visited the Kasbeswari Kali Temple and the Tarapur border haat at Kamalasagar under the Sepahijala district. The purpose of the visit was to explore the potential for the development of the border haat and rural tourism in the area.

Upon arrival, the minister was welcomed by local MLA Antara Deb Sarkar and the Additional SDM, Trideep Sarkar. The entourage then proceeded to visit the Kasbeswari temple, where the MLA presented a portrait of Maa Kasbeswari to Lalnuntlunga.

After the visit to the temple, the minister and his team visited the Royal Time rural tourism centre. They enjoyed the natural beauty of Kamala Sagar along the Bangladesh border and discussed the potential for developing the area into a popular destination for tourists.

Later in the day, the minister and his team visited the Kamalasagar Tarapur border haat. The border haat showcases an alternative way of earning for locals while strengthening the bond of harmony between the two countries centred on the border market.

During his visit, Minister TJ Lalnuntlunga discussed the matter with MLAs and officials, emphasizing the potential for Kamalasagar to be developed into a popular destination through the development of border haat on one side and rural tourism on the other.

The Kamalasagar Tarapur border haat is a marketplace situated along the India-Bangladesh border. It is a place where local traders from both countries can come and sell their goods. The haat has been in operation since 2015, and it has been an excellent source of income for the locals.

The haat is also a testament to the harmonious relationship that India and Bangladesh share. It is a place where people from both countries can come and trade without any restrictions or barriers.

During his visit, Minister TJ Lalnuntlunga was impressed by the potential of the border haat. He saw it as an opportunity to develop the area further and promote tourism. The minister suggested that the haat could be expanded and developed into a popular destination for tourists.

He also suggested that the area could be developed into a hub for rural tourism. Rural tourism is a form of tourism that focuses on the rural countryside, giving visitors an opportunity to experience the local culture, traditions, and lifestyle. It is a type of tourism that is gaining popularity all over the world.

The minister saw the potential for Kamalasagar to become a popular destination for rural tourism. The area has a lot of natural beauty, and there is an opportunity to develop homestays, guesthouses, and other forms of accommodation for tourists. This could provide an alternative source of income for the locals and create job opportunities in the area.

The minister discussed his ideas with local MLAs and officials. They agreed that the area has a lot of potential, and they pledged to work together to develop the area further. They also agreed to explore ways to promote tourism and create job opportunities in the area.

The visit by the Transport Minister of Mizoram, TJ Lalnuntlunga, was a success. The minister saw the potential of the Kamalasagar Tarapur border haat and the area’s natural beauty. He discussed his ideas with local MLAs and officials and pledged to work together to develop the area further. With the right investments and promotion, Kamalasagar could become a popular destination for rural tourism and a hub for cross-border trade.



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