Mizoram University Associations Unite Against Communal Discord: Calls for Peace and Harmony


In a shocking turn of events, the Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP), Mizoram’s largest student apex body, recently filed a First Information Report (FIR) at Vaivakawn Police Station, denouncing the actions of Teresa Ningthoujam, a Ph.D. scholar at Mizoram University. The FIR was prompted by a viral video allegedly depicting Teresa encouraging the donation of funds for the procurement of ammunition, with the intent of causing harm to a particular community in Manipur.

In response to this grave incident, MZP has taken a decisive step by formally urging the Registrar of Mizoram University to cancel Teresa Ningthoujam’s research program. The move has ignited a wave of reactions from various associations under Mizoram University, culminating in a joint statement issued by five key groups: Mizoram University Students’ Council (MZUSC), Mizoram University Research Scholars’ Association (MURSA), Mizoram University Alumni Association (MIZUAA), Mizoram University Teachers’ Associations (MIZUTA), and Mizoram University Non-Teaching Employees’ Association (MUNTSA).

The joint statement reflects the collective concern of these associations over Teresa’s alleged involvement in fundraising activities for the Arambai Tenggol, which poses a potential threat to the peaceful coexistence of diverse tribal ethnic groups within Mizoram University. Despite ongoing efforts to foster harmony, the associations expressed deep dismay at the alleged conduct of the Ph.D. scholar, emphasizing their commitment to maintaining peace and understanding among different communities.

Strongly condemning Teresa’s actions as unethical, the associations have pledged to prevent the recurrence of any incident that might incite communal tension within the university. They have reaffirmed their dedication to ensuring peace at Mizoram University and have extended their call for similar harmony in educational institutions nationwide.

This incident highlights the significance of maintaining a peaceful and inclusive environment within educational institutions. It serves as a stark reminder of the responsibility that scholars bear in promoting unity and understanding among diverse communities. As Mizoram University grapples with the aftermath of these events, the joint statement from the associations signifies a united front against any forces that seek to sow discord and disrupt the fabric of communal harmony.



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