More Than 45,000 Women Committed Suicide in 2021, Nationwide


During the last year i.e. 2021 in the country, 45,026 women committed suicide of which more than half were housewives. According to the report released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), a total of 1,64,033 people took their lives last year, out of which 1,18,979 were males. It has been told in the report that most of the women who committed suicide were housewives, their figure is 23,178, while 5,693 students also took their lives. Apart from this, 4,246 daily wage laborers committed suicide.

The housewife who committed the most suicide is from Tamil Nadu. Out of 23,179, 3,221 housewives from Tamil Nadu gave their lives. After this 3,055 housewives from Madhya Pradesh committed suicide and 2,861 women from Maharashtra gave their lives. It was told in the report that out of 66.9 percent i.e. 1,64,033 women who committed suicide, 1,09,749 were married while 24.0 percent i.e. 39,421 were unmarried. Apart from this, the figure of widows and divorcees is also among those who commit suicide.

More people committed suicide in 2021 than in 2020. The average of women who committed suicide in 2021 was 72.5: 27.4, which was higher than the average (70.9: 29.1) of women who committed suicide in 2020. It is noteworthy that most of the women who committed suicide were due to marriage-related issues. The cases of suicide are more in people below 18 -30 years and below 45 years.

There were family difficulties- 3,233, love affairs- 1,495 and there were 1,408 suicides due to illnesses. A total of 28 transgenders also committed suicide. 9 out of 28 transgenders were unemployed and 7 were daily wage earners, 2 had their own employment and the remaining were in different occupations.
