Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has directed state employees to donate Rs 1 crore to the family of Border Security Force soldier Girjesh Kumar Udde, who was killed in a terrorist attack in Tripura last month.
Mr Chouhan and Union minister Faggan Singh Kulaste met Udde’s family members at the latter’s native village Chargaon in MP’s Mandla district on Sunday and praised them for being true patriots, said State government official.
Udde was part of the BSF’s 145th battalion’s patrolling party that was attacked by terrorists on August 19, causing grievous injuries to him.
He was later taken in a chopper to Agartala where he died, the official said.
On Sunday, Chief Minister Chouhan met the soldier’s family members including his wife Radha Devi.
One of the family members will be offered a government position, the chief minister promised.
He directed Mandla Collector Harshika Singh to start the process of giving an assistance of ₹ 1 crore to the martyred soldier’s family, the official said. A government high school in Mandla’s Bijadandi will bear the soldier’s name, according to the CM.
Udde’s statue will be installed in Chargaon and CM Chouhan also performed its foundation stone laying ceremony, the official said.