Opposition Raises Alarm Over Loosened Vehicle Checks in Tripura Allowing Influx of Illegal Arms and Money


Relaxation in checking vehicles to let in cash and arms is a major issue that is being raised by the opposition in Tripura. This has become a matter of concern for the citizens as it has the potential to affect the safety and security of the state. The opposition has claimed that the state government is not doing enough to check the influx of illegal weapons and money into the state, which is leading to an increase in crime and violence.

Tripura is located in the northeast region of India and shares its border with Bangladesh. The state has been facing a number of security challenges, including the infiltration of illegal arms and drugs. The opposition claims that the state government has relaxed the checks on vehicles entering the state, making it easier for illegal elements to bring in arms and money. The opposition further adds that the relaxed checks have resulted in a sharp rise in the number of criminal incidents in the state.

The opposition has been demanding that the state government take immediate steps to tighten the security checks on vehicles entering Tripura. The opposition leaders have also called for the deployment of additional security personnel at the border check-posts to keep a watchful eye on the vehicles entering the state. The opposition has also called for the use of advanced technology, such as X-ray machines and metal detectors, to check vehicles for weapons and illegal money.

The state government, on the other hand, has rejected the claims made by the opposition. The government has stated that it has not relaxed the checks on vehicles and that the security personnel at the check-posts are following all the standard operating procedures. The government has also stated that it has taken a number of measures to enhance the security in the state, including the deployment of additional security personnel and the use of modern technology.

In conclusion, the relaxation in checking vehicles to let in cash and arms is a matter of concern for the citizens of Tripura. The opposition’s claims highlight the need for the state government to take immediate action to tighten the security checks on vehicles entering the state. The government must take steps to ensure the safety and security of the citizens by deploying additional security personnel and using advanced technology. The government must also take steps to curb the infiltration of illegal weapons and money into the state, which has the potential to affect the peace and stability of the region.



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