Pakistan Took Exception To The Indian Government’s Move On G-20


On Saturday, Pakistan took exception to the Indian government’s move to hold meetings related to the G-20 event, scheduled for November next year in Delhi, in Jammu and Kashmir.

A Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman said in Islamabad, “The Government of India might be contemplating to hold some G20-related meeting or event in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). Pakistan completely rejects any such attempt by India ”.

He said Jammu and Kashmir was an internationally recognised “disputed” territory between Pakistan and India.

He also added “Contemplating the holding of any G-20-related meeting or event in J&K, in utter disregard of the globally acknowledged “disputed” status of the territory, is a travesty that the international community cannot accept under any circumstances”.

The spokesman said any such controversial proposal from India would be designed to seek international legitimacy for an illegal and tyrannical occupation continuing for over seven decades. 
