Sanjay Jaswani — Spreading Expansive Knowledge About Finance, Loans, and Investments Via the Right Tracks


Investing the right way carries a host of benefits, and who knows this better than Sanjay Jaswani, who has been mentoring people in areas like trading, financial investments, and much more? He heads the prestigious online and offline entity — Target Accounts, which has been educating people on various subjects associated with finance, investment, loans, education, and a lot more, which has gained him a prominent position in this space as his teachings have impacted many lives all throughout who have followed their methods diligently. He emphasizes a lot on the subject of stock market investments and says that one can gain massive returns if one chooses their investments wisely.

This passionate investor & trader has adapted innovative methods and strategies that have worked wonderfully, and that’s the reason he’s on a mission to educate others about its massive benefits. He started at the age of 17, as a value investor & accounts mentor, and has since grown to exponential heights all along. “People are lacking financial literacy and that’s one of the reasons they are failing miserably when it comes to investing, and I want to change that by spreading the right knowledge via my teachings which can change their approach for the better,” says Sanjay who is aiming at reaching maximum user base through his institute.

To date many professionals like CA’s, doctors, and professors have trained under him, gaining massive insights on the subject of financial investments. His programs discussing value investing, financial literacy, mutual funds, hedging, trading & price action, fundamental analysis & technical analysis have benefitted hordes of people, and he wants to move far ahead by reaching as many as he can through his financial literacy programs. His live workshops as well as recorded courses on financial literacy are a big draw. His book ‘How To Avoid Loss And Make Money While Sleeping In The Stock Market has revealed some extensive investing strategies which work wonders, the reason he has become one of the best-selling authors.

This financial wizard who is popular as The Thursday King has been the reason for many getting their financial standing on track, and he says that he aims at much more by delving deep into the subject of financial literacy via his constant endeavors.
