Security Wall of the Hydro Project on the Assam-Arunachal Border Collapsed, Water level of the Subansiri increased


The security wall of the power house of NHPC’s 2,000 MW Subansiri Hydroelectric Project on the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border collapsed. This security wall has collapsed due to the rising water level of the Subansiri river. Officials informed.

Officials said that the incident happened late on Saturday night. The incident took place due to the spate of the Subansiri river. The company has pulled all its employees out of the power station. All the machinery is in the power house itself.

According to an HHPC official, the foothills of Arunachal Pradesh received heavy rains due to which the amount of water in the Subansiri Lower Hydro Electric Project increased. As a result, a portion of the powerhouse’s security wall collapsed.

Another company official said that the construction work of the power house is in its final stages and is almost ready. But now it is in danger of being damaged. A diversion tunnel of the project got damaged due to landslide.

The official said that no person was injured in the incident. According to NHPC advisor AN Mohammed, the landslide in the tunnel had no impact on the main Subansiri project.

He said that due to rain for the last few days, the vacant space above Diversion Tunnel No. 2 is getting filled up, it is being stabilized. The work in the project area is being disrupted due to rain for the past few days.

NHPC had constructed five diversion tunnels as a temporary measure to divert the river for the construction of the foundation of the dam. But two tunnels were blocked due to the landslide.

Though Mohammad said that 88 per cent of the dam construction is nearing completion, the need for diversion tunnels is over and NHPC is planning to connect all the tunnels after this monsoon.
