Sikkim Governor Acharya Champions Progress and Unity on 49th Statehood Day

Sikkim Governor Acharya

On the momentous occasion of Sikkim’s 49th Statehood Day, Governor Lakshman Acharya took center stage, championing progress and unity as the cornerstone of the state’s journey since embracing democracy nearly five decades ago.

Extending heartfelt greetings to the people of Sikkim, Governor Lakshman Acharya reflected on the significance of the milestone in the state’s history. He highlighted the remarkable progress and development achieved by Sikkim over the years, attributing much of it to the unity and collective efforts of its citizens.

Governor Acharya emphasized the importance of unity in diversity, underscoring Sikkim’s rich cultural heritage and its role as a symbol of harmony amidst diversity. He praised the resilience and spirit of the people of Sikkim, who have overcome numerous challenges and adversities with determination and fortitude.

Speaking on the theme of progress, Governor Acharya outlined the state government’s commitment to advancing the welfare and prosperity of all sections of society. He reiterated the government’s resolve to promote inclusive growth and development, ensuring that the benefits of progress reach every corner of the state.

Governor Acharya also highlighted the significance of preserving Sikkim’s natural beauty and ecological balance. He stressed the importance of sustainable development practices and conservation efforts to safeguard the state’s pristine environment for future generations.

As Sikkim commemorated its 49th Statehood Day, Governor Acharya called upon the people to rededicate themselves to the ideals of democracy, unity, and progress. He urged citizens to work together towards building a brighter future for the state, where every individual can thrive and contribute to the collective welfare.

In his address, Governor Acharya expressed gratitude to the founding fathers of Sikkim’s statehood movement, whose vision and sacrifices laid the foundation for the state’s journey towards self-governance. He paid homage to their legacy and called for renewed efforts to fulfill their aspirations for a prosperous and harmonious Sikkim.

As the celebrations unfolded across the state, Governor Acharya’s message resonated with citizens from all walks of life, inspiring renewed hope and optimism for the future. With unity as their guiding principle and progress as their goal, the people of Sikkim look forward to embarking on the next chapter of their remarkable journey towards prosperity and peace.



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