SSA Teachers Welfare Association to Provide Deputation on 6-Point Demand


SSA Teachers Welfare Association met in deputation on Tuesday in Education Department for 6 point demands including regularization, payment of dearness allowance. They have warned that they will join a larger movement if their demands are not met within the next one month.

Sarvajoy Riang, president of the organization, said that the certificates of passing the higher secondary and DLed examinations of the teachers under the entire education were supposed to be verified, but it has not happened yet.

He expressed anger that around 500 teachers are being deprived of the regular pay scale. Therefore, he demanded the education department to take necessary measures to solve the problem as soon as possible. The education department has been contacted several times in this regard, but no solution has been found. So today they met on deputation to the Director of Education Department.
They also demanded that teachers under all education should be given regular pay scale, dearness allowance and other financial benefits. He also demanded regularization of all the employees working under the entire education. They have warned that they will join a larger movement if their demands are not met within the next one month.



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