The BJP-led Government Failed to Fulfill its Promises, Said Congress


BJP-led government in the state has failed to fulfill the promises it made in the 2018 assembly elections, accused Tripura Congress in the press conference at the Pradesh Congress Bhavan at Agartala on Wednesday.

The Congress mentioned the 50,000 government jobs each year that the BJP promised during its campaign for the 2018 assembly election. The Congress party in Tripura has also released a 13-pointer ‘charge-sheet’ against the BJP-led state government. The state Congress chief Birajit Sinha said the 13-point ‘charge sheet’ is a compilation of some promises the BJP left unfulfilled since it came to power in 2018. Sinha also asked people to judge the ruling party for the injustices the BJP-led coalition government purportedly did in the last 4.5 years.

The promises were not fulfilled even after 52 months of the governance by the BJP said Congress. BJP-led Tripura government was also alleged of failing in maintaining law and order and not work on improving the health and education sectors in the state.
Congress media in-charge Ashish Saha alleged the BJP is trying to ‘fool’ people in the run-up to by-elections and said they have released the ‘charge sheet’ to bring the realities of purported corruption and broken promises out in the open.

The Congress leader, who is himself a candidate in the ongoing by-election process against Manik Saha, said his party would win the by-polls and make way for a larger victory in the parliamentary polls scheduled to be held next year. ‘We shall bring the truth of our “charge sheet” before the people, take action against anyone who violated the trust of people,’ said Ashish Saha.

The BJP government is also alleged that their bike gangs are being favored by the state administration and no FIR is filed against them. The AICC Tripura in charge Dr. Ajay Kumar said that he will write to the Election Commission of India asking about no FIR against the motorcyclist.

The BJP-backed bike-goons, who had met with an incident two days ago resulting in the death of one of them, and later torn Congress flags were found in their possession. ‘They were BJP bike bahini members. Agartala has one of the best CCTV coverage in the country. Why can’t the police find out about bike bahini activities through CCTV footage if they want?’ he asked.

Meanwhile, reacting to the allegations of the Congress Party, the Tripura unit of the BJP has refuted the allegations. The Tripura BJP said that the Congress party will receive the response to the allegations when the results for the by-polls in the state would be announced on June 26.
