Traffic Restrictions Imposed in Guwahati for PM Modi’s Visit

Traffic Restrictions

Traffic restrictions have been imposed in Guwahati in anticipation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit on April 16. The Guwahati Traffic Police has issued guidelines to ensure the safety of the public, particularly vulnerable road users such as children, students, women, senior citizens, and differently-abled individuals. These measures aim to facilitate the smooth movement of emergency vehicles and maintain order on the roads during the Prime Minister’s visit.

Authorities have implemented traffic diversions and restrictions in key areas of Guwahati to manage the flow of vehicles and pedestrians effectively. The restrictions include temporary road closures, designated parking areas, and alternative routes to minimize congestion and ensure the security of the Prime Minister’s convoy.

In addition to traffic restrictions, the Guwahati Traffic Police have deployed additional personnel to manage the increased volume of vehicles and ensure compliance with the guidelines. Officers will be stationed at various intersections and checkpoints to direct traffic, assist pedestrians, and address any emergencies that may arise.

The decision to impose traffic restrictions is part of the comprehensive security measures put in place for Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Guwahati. These measures aim to provide a secure environment for the Prime Minister’s engagements and minimize disruptions to the daily lives of residents.

The Guwahati Traffic Police have urged the public to cooperate with the authorities and adhere to the designated traffic routes and parking instructions. Motorists are advised to plan their travel in advance, allow extra time for potential delays, and follow the instructions of traffic officers to ensure a smooth experience during the visit.

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Guwahati holds significance for the region, with various engagements planned to address developmental initiatives, infrastructure projects, and other key issues affecting the state. The imposition of traffic restrictions underscores the importance of ensuring the safety and security of all individuals during such high-profile events.

As preparations continue for Prime Minister Modi’s visit, the Guwahati Traffic Police remain vigilant and committed to maintaining order on the roads and ensuring the successful execution of the traffic management plan.



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