The Teachers’ Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT) administered the Selection Test for Post-Graduate Teachers (STPGT) on Sunday at nine examination centers across Agartala.
The administrator of the examinations Dr. Pratyush Ranjan Deb mentioned that 2,586 candidates appeared in the STPGT examinations to select 110 vacant posts for post-graduate teachers.
On the 11th of September, 10,995 candidates appeared in the STGT examinations in 32 examination centers for 230 vacant posts for class-IX and X teachers.

It is to be harked upon that TRBT on May 18, 2022, last issued the list of qualified candidates for the Tripura Teacher’s Eligibility Test-2019 (T-TET) Paper-I and II, and altogether 3,631 candidates from all the 8 districts have been eligible for certificates and the government declared them as qualified candidates would be designated before the emanating Durga Puja.