Tripura CM Vows Strict Action Against Attacks on Journalists and Forceful Puja Donations

Tripura CM

Tripura Chief Minister Prof. Dr. Manik Saha made a strong statement on Tuesday, vowing zero tolerance toward any form of violence against journalists in the state. His message comes at a time when concerns over the safety and freedom of the press are becoming more prominent. Dr. Saha emphasized that journalists play a vital role in democracy, and their safety is paramount. The Chief Minister assured that anyone who dares to attack or intimidate members of the press will face swift and strict legal action. His commitment reflects the state government’s firm stand on ensuring the protection of journalists as they carry out their work.

Dr. Saha’s address also highlighted another pressing issue in the state: the forceful collection of donations ahead of the upcoming Durga Puja celebrations. Many citizens have raised concerns about being pressured into making contributions, which has led to heightened tensions. The Chief Minister did not mince words when he declared that such practices would not be tolerated under his administration. He issued a stern warning to those involved in extorting donations, stating that they would face severe legal repercussions if caught engaging in these unlawful activities.

The Chief Minister made it clear that while the government fully supports religious and cultural celebrations, it will not condone any behavior that disrupts peace and harasses citizens. Dr. Saha called for everyone to participate in the Durga Puja festivities with respect and goodwill. He stressed that the essence of such celebrations is in fostering community harmony, not in forcing contributions through intimidation. His government, he assured, will monitor the situation closely and ensure that the festivities proceed peacefully.

Dr. Saha’s vow to protect journalists marks a significant step toward maintaining press freedom in the state. Attacks on journalists have become a troubling trend in various parts of the country, and his promise of strict action is expected to provide much-needed reassurance to media professionals in Tripura. Journalists in the region have long been vulnerable to threats and intimidation, and this declaration signals that the government is serious about cracking down on such offenses.

The Chief Minister’s speech resonated with many in the state, as concerns over the harassment of citizens and the safety of journalists have been mounting. Dr. Saha’s stance on the issue also sends a broader message about the importance of law and order during the festive season. He reiterated that the police and other law enforcement agencies would remain vigilant, and any violations, whether attacks on journalists or forceful donation collections, would be dealt with swiftly and efficiently.

Tripura has witnessed an increasing number of reports of citizens being coerced into making donations for various festivals, often by local groups who use intimidation tactics. This issue has created an atmosphere of fear and discomfort for many. Dr. Saha’s assurance that his government will act decisively against such practices aims to restore a sense of security among the public.

In addition to announcing these measures, the Chief Minister urged the people of Tripura to cooperate with the authorities in ensuring a peaceful and joyous Durga Puja. He called on community leaders and organizers to make sure that their celebrations are inclusive and respectful of everyone’s rights. Dr. Saha’s message was clear: while the government supports the celebration of culture and tradition, it will not hesitate to act against those who violate the law.

The government’s firm stance on both issues — attacks on journalists and the forceful collection of donations — has been welcomed by various sections of society. Civil rights groups and journalist associations have expressed hope that these actions will create a safer environment for media personnel and citizens alike. Dr. Saha’s leadership in addressing these critical issues ahead of one of the state’s biggest festivals demonstrates his commitment to maintaining peace, order, and justice.

As the festive season approaches, the Chief Minister’s words serve as a reminder that while celebrations are a vital part of community life, they should never come at the cost of individual freedom or safety. His message of zero tolerance reinforces the state’s dedication to protecting its people, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the festivities without fear of coercion or violence.



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