Tripura Government Issues Circular to Ensure Punctuality and Regular Attendance of Employees


The Tripura state government has recently issued an administrative circular aimed at ensuring punctuality and regular attendance among government employees. The circular, issued by Secretary Abhishek Singh on behalf of the Department of Administrative Reforms, highlights concerns about the lack of adherence to official duties by a significant portion of the workforce. Despite previous circulars and restrictions, employees have been observed arriving late to work and failing to complete tasks efficiently, causing inconvenience to the public. The government, led by Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha, seeks to streamline administrative processes and provide efficient services to the common people. However, the non-compliance of some government employees has hindered these efforts.

The circular emphasizes the importance of punctuality and regular attendance in government offices. It references a previous government order from December 20, 1999, which serves as a basis for compliance with the new instructions. The key points outlined in the circular are as follows:

  1. Observing Punctuality and Regular Attendance: All employees working in various departments, offices, and public sector units (PSUs) are directed to prioritize punctuality and maintain regular attendance henceforth.
  2. Timely Arrival and No Early Departure: Employees are expected to reach their respective offices on time to ensure that public services commence promptly at 10:00 AM. It is stressed that no employee should leave the office during working hours (until 5:30 PM) without sufficient and unavoidable reasons, and without prior intimation to the controlling authority.
  3. Consequences of Non-compliance: Any employee found to be non-compliant with these instructions may face necessary disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the department.
  4. Strict Compliance: All concerned employees are urged to strictly adhere to the aforementioned instructions for effective implementation.

Challenges Faced by the Government: The circular has been issued in response to ongoing challenges faced by the Tripura government regarding employee compliance with official duties. Many officers and employees have been observed arriving at the office after 11:00 AM, causing delays in addressing even simple tasks. Furthermore, in the absence of designated officers due to leave, work is often left pending until their return. Instances of unethical practices, such as officials requesting money inappropriately and withholding payments if not received, have also been reported in the billing or cash sections of various offices. These issues undermine the government’s commitment to providing efficient services and benefiting the common people.

The Government’s Vision for Streamlined Governance: Despite the challenges posed by some government employees, Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha remains steadfast in his vision of providing government benefits to the people in a simple and efficient manner. The issuance of the administrative circular reflects the government’s commitment to addressing these issues and improving overall governance. By emphasizing punctuality, regular attendance, and ethical conduct, the government aims to enhance the delivery of public services and streamline administrative processes.

The Tripura state government’s recent administrative circular serves as a reminder to government employees regarding the importance of punctuality and regular attendance in performing their official duties. The circular aims to address existing challenges and improve the efficiency of government offices. The government’s vision of providing simplified services to the common people can only be realized through the commitment and compliance of all employees. By upholding the principles outlined in the circular, the Tripura government can achieve its goals of streamlined governance, timely service delivery, and a more accountable workforce.



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