Heirok Higher secondary school (HHSS) and the Sudhanwa Debbarma Memorial High School (SDMHS) record the highest margin of wins at the Subroto Cup International Football tournament. They made 7-0 wins in the boys U-14 group stage matches at the 61st Subroto sup International football tournament.
11 games were played across the 4 groups on Wednesday in which the three players scored the hat trick.

The goals were scored by L.Bikramjit, Jetli Kalai, and Isak Lalmaisawma scored hat tricks on the second day of the Subroto Cup International Football Tournament. Heirok Higher secondary school (HHSS) overwhelmed Ramakrishna mission Vivekanand Vidya Peeth, Narayanpur, Chhattisgarh, at the Tejas Foothall Ground while playing with L. Bikramjit scoring a hat trick. The remaining two goals were made by K.Dingkal and J. Likson.

A match between Sudhanwa Debbarma Memorial High School (SDMHS), Jampuijala, and the Air Force School was held in which Jetli Kalai beat the Air Force school by making a Hat trick then Bijoy, Rohit, Asutosh, and Philman scored the remaining four goals for the Tripura school.
In another match of Mizoram’s Government Chawngfianga Middle school, Isak Lalmaisawma scored a hat trick for the side at Delhi Cantonment 5-0 at the Ambedkar stadium.