Tripura’s GI-Tagged “Queen” Pineapples Set to Conquer Global Markets


The state of Tripura, under the leadership of Minister Ratan Lal Nath, is making remarkable strides in promoting its unique and sought-after fruit, the GI-tagged “Queen” pineapple. Minister Nath recently expressed his pride in the fact that this exceptional fruit is exclusive to Tripura and holds a Geographical Indication (GI) designation. With ambitions to showcase this mouth-watering delicacy on a global scale, the state’s agriculture department has embarked on an initiative to feature the pineapples at the renowned Delhi Haat Mela (Fair). This endeavor aims to boost the economic growth of the state and improve the livelihoods of farmers. The launching ceremony is scheduled to take place in the presence of Union Minister of Agriculture, Narendra Singh Tomar.

To generate awareness and interest in the “Queen” pineapple, the Tripura agriculture department has been actively promoting the fruit in various shopping malls and locations across Delhi for the past two months. This strategic approach aims to capture the attention of both local residents and tourists visiting the capital city. The department’s team has already arrived in Delhi, accompanied by a shipment of these delectable pineapples, in preparation for the display at Delhi Haat Mela.

Minister Nath emphasized that the promotion of the “Queen” pineapple would contribute significantly to the economic growth of Tripura. By developing the market for this unique fruit and exploring avenues for export, the state envisions increased revenues and enhanced livelihood opportunities for its farmers. With the support of the central government, steps will be taken to boost pineapple productivity and facilitate its export to other countries.

The GI tag bestowed upon the “Queen” pineapple recognizes its distinct origin in Tripura, making it an exclusive produce of the region. The designation ensures that the fruit’s identity is protected and prevents unauthorized use of the name in connection with pineapples from other areas. The geographical factors, including the soil quality, climate, and cultivation practices specific to Tripura, contribute to the pineapple’s exceptional taste, aroma, and texture. Consumers can thus enjoy a unique sensory experience that cannot be replicated elsewhere.

Tripura has a long-standing history of pineapple cultivation, with the fruit being an integral part of the state’s agricultural landscape. The “Queen” pineapple, known for its vibrant color, sweet flavor, and juiciness, has gained popularity both domestically and internationally. The pineapple industry in Tripura plays a significant role in supporting the livelihoods of farmers, providing employment opportunities, and contributing to the state’s economy.

Acknowledging the potential for growth, Minister Nath emphasized the need to enhance pineapple productivity in Tripura. With assistance from the central government, initiatives will be undertaken to implement advanced agricultural practices, including improved cultivation techniques, the use of high-yielding varieties, and modern irrigation methods. These measures aim to increase yields, optimize resource utilization, and ensure sustainable growth for the pineapple industry in the state.

The successful promotion of Tripura’s “Queen” pineapple in Delhi and other locations serves as a stepping stone towards expanding the market and exploring export opportunities. By increasing awareness and demand for the fruit domestically, the state aims to penetrate international markets and establish itself as a key player in the global pineapple trade. The export potential of the “Queen” pineapple presents a promising avenue for economic growth, foreign exchange earnings, and increased incomes for farmers.

Tripura’s “Queen” pineapple, a GI-tagged fruit unique to the state, holds immense potential for economic development and farmer welfare. Minister Ratan Lal Nath’s vision



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