ULFA-I Urges Prioritization of ‘Protisruti’ in Assam Cinemas


The banned militant outfit United Liberation Front of Asom (Independent) (ULFA-I) has stirred controversy in Assam by demanding that cinema halls prioritize the screening of producer Ratul Barua’s ‘Protisruti’ over Hindi films. In an email message, the ULFA-I urged the public to watch the film, which depicts the impact of excessive drug abuse among youngsters and its repercussions on society.

‘Protisruti’, produced by Ratul Barua, has garnered attention for its portrayal of the alarming rise of drug abuse among the youth in Assam. The film highlights the devastating effects of addiction on individuals, families, and communities, shedding light on an issue that has become a growing concern in the state.

The ULFA-I’s call for prioritizing the screening of ‘Protisruti’ in cinema halls has sparked debate and raised questions about the role of militant groups in influencing cultural and entertainment choices. While some have welcomed the initiative as a means of raising awareness about social issues, others have criticized the ULFA-I for dictating public preferences and infringing on artistic freedom.

Producer Ratul Barua has expressed gratitude for the support from the ULFA-I and emphasized the importance of addressing the issue of drug abuse through film and other forms of media. Barua hopes that ‘Protisruti’ will serve as a wake-up call for society and encourage meaningful dialogue about addiction and its impact on individuals and communities.

Meanwhile, cinema hall owners and operators have been caught in the middle of the controversy, facing pressure from both the ULFA-I and audiences demanding a diverse range of films. Some cinema halls have agreed to prioritize the screening of ‘Protisruti’ in response to the ULFA-I’s call, while others have opted to maintain their regular screening schedules.

The demand by the ULFA-I highlights the complex interplay between art, politics, and activism in Assam. While the film industry plays a vital role in shaping public discourse and raising awareness about social issues, the involvement of militant groups in promoting specific films raises concerns about censorship and freedom of expression.

As the debate continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how cinema halls, filmmakers, and the public will navigate the competing interests and demands at play. In the meantime, ‘Protisruti’ continues to attract attention for its powerful portrayal of a pressing social issue, sparking important conversations about addiction and its impact on Assamese society.



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