VHP Tripura Unit Criticizes Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage, Calling it “Hasty”


The Tripura unit of the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) has criticized the legalization of same-sex marriage in the state, calling it a hasty decision. The VHP, a right-wing Hindu nationalist organization, has long been opposed to same-sex relationships and has been campaigning against the decriminalization of homosexuality in India.

The state government of Tripura recently passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, making it the first state in northeastern India to do so. The move has been hailed by LGBTQ+ activists and allies as a historic step towards equality.

However, the VHP has condemned the decision, arguing that it was made without proper consultation with religious leaders and community members. The organization has claimed that the move goes against the traditional values of Indian society and will lead to the breakdown of the institution of marriage.

The VHP has also called for a national debate on the issue of same-sex marriage, stating that it is a matter of national importance that affects the moral fabric of society.

Critics of the VHP have argued that their opposition to same-sex marriage is based on a narrow interpretation of Hinduism and does not take into account the diverse beliefs and practices within the religion. They have also pointed out that same-sex relationships have been a part of Indian culture for centuries, and that the VHP’s opposition to them is rooted in homophobia and intolerance.



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