A 13-Year-Old Boy Got Injured Via Bomb Explosion In School


In the Sipahijala district of Tripura, a 13-year-old boy got injured in a bomb explosion on Wednesday. The incident took place in Nagar High School in Kalamchoura under Sipahijala. The boy Saiful Islam went to the washroom and opened a bag of explosives. The bomb was all country made.

He was playing with the bomb inside the washroom, and the bomb exploded. Soon after that, the boy was carried to the hospital for treatment. The boy has got injuries all over his hands. Along with this, Saiful Islam saw four bombs other than this one. All the rest of the bombs were seized by police officials.

In the inquiry with the teachers of the school, one teacher said, “We heard a loud noise while we were busy checking answer scripts and came out to see the child shouting for help. As we came closer, we found that he had injuries in his hand.”

He was taken to GBP hospital in Agartala. No further news is out about Saiful Islam. But the incident is very shocking for the teachers and students. The investigation regarding the bomb is still going on. And the police officials will soon find out the criminal behind it.



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